- “There are Queen Cells in my Hive – What should I do ?” by Wally Shaw
- “An Apiary Guide to Swarm Control” by Wally Shaw
- Making Splits
- Making a split when you can’t find the queen
- Pagden Method
- Pagden Artifical Swarm as an Animated Video
- Nucleus Method
- Demaree Method
- Using NUCs in Beekeeping Operations
- Fix for laying workers
- Uniting Colonies
- Guide to using Bait Hives
- Sugar Syrup Calculator
- Bee’s Abroad Charity
- “At the hive Entrance” by H. Storch (ebook)
- Reviving Wax Foundation
- Hive Cleaning and Sterilization
- NBU Fact Sheets
- See Particularly
- “General Beekeeping – Preparing your hives for winter”
- Varroa
- “Apiary and Hive Hygiene”
- See Particularly
- Hive Weighing (Hefting)
- A reasonable weight for a single brood box Smith or National would be 28 to 30 kg. with floor and roof.
- If the colony is on double brood boxes, on 8 + 8 frames 30 to 33 kg.
- Poly-hives could be a bit lighter due to the reduced weight of the equipment (approx. 4 or 5 kg less)
- Because roof can vary in weight it may be best to heft/weigh with roof removed. The above measurements would be 22 to 26kg for single Smith/National and 24 to 30kg for double brood 8 + 8