Before getting your own bees and hives it is advisable to find a beginners’ beekeeping course. Many Beekeeping associations run these once a year from Feb through to March. These course cover the theory and practice of Beekeeping and will allow you to find a mentor to help in developing your skills.

- “New to Beekeeping” – National Bee Unit
- “Advice for New Beekeepers” – National Bee Unit
- “How to start beekeeping” (Setting Beginner Beekeeping Expectations) – The Apiarist
- “Welcome to the Wonderful World Of Bees” – Omlet UK
After a couple of years developing your skills you may consider gaining the SBA’s Basic Beekeeping Certificate information for which available in the following links:
Nevertheless, the “SBA Basic Beekeeping notes for mentors” document is worth studying whether or not you decide to go for the qualification as it covers all the material forming the foundation of any beekeepers journey, and forms the basis of most associations “Beginning Beekeeping” courses.